Hesty Purwadinata

When your fans sporting event "Sport 7 Night" the Trans-record 7 or more "I tell the NTI, it beauty Hesty Purwadinata face as the host on two television is not foreign anymore. Presenter Amelia birth Bogor, 15 June 1983 is now entering the canal with a range of artistic activity myriad stage.

Appearances day-to-day Fajah Femina 2005 (champions III) is always modis and cloudless. Ticklish laughter, but remain intact. He said the intellect, work full-discipline, but kesehariannya always enjoy a life activity.

"I want to enjoy life is what it is. Running in a correct path, and should always be diligent hard work, discipline and in any case, "said Azhar Hesty to Syafruddin from Parle find in the office when the 8 Management area Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta last week.

Shelter under management keartisan 8 Management, Hesty Purwadinata have been perfect in the world Showbiz and penetrated almost all activities keartisan. Modeling his career from the start, the cover girl contest arena, as a presenter and master of ceremonies (MC) off the water, FTV, patron, movie stars to the big screen.

The first film ever is dibintanginya ML (Want More ...?). Film production Indika Entertainment (2008) This delayed the delivery because of protests from the community to get in some big city some time ago. The film is considered controversial because they include titles that invite interpretation nasty.

"This is the movie screen width of my first. But unfortunately, the designs were delayed because of protests from the community. In this movie laden education that encourage young people to avoid sex-free. Perhaps people with allergic title that is not normal, "he explained to the vibrant Parle. Actually, according to Hesty, many national film a little fun adegannya but mayarakat not memprotesnya.

In addition to feature films, alumni Public Relation Interests and Technical Information http://profiles.friendster.com/dtanph "Jakarta has her more than 10 movie titles TV (FTV). Among them: 2 Bungkus One smacker (NTI, 2008), Mewarnai sky (Astro), and life in action NTI.

Performance stage the third of seven children with, daughter pairs R. Hartasa Purwadinata and R. Yani Suryaningsih is always excited and cloudless. Moreover, if showing off the water as the MC in some formal event and I. Hesty able to build a clean atmosphere and live events become so full of life color.

"I often said to friends as a presenter gikol (mad), ha ... ha ... ha ...", he said, laughing crispy. This title was given because Hesty offers challenges and known as women. Some time ago, he won the event full of challenges, Fear Factor Indonesia.

"I want to create a record MURI with rocket from the top floor of the building such as high-game slide that was held at the Plaza Ex," he said offs. Wuah, is also single this beautiful ... (Syafruddin Azhar)

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